In a time where elves and man roamed the Earth, peace ruled over the two great kingdoms of Serdin and Kanavan in the Continent of Bernesiah. Until one day... KazeAaze, the Queen of the Darkness decided to set the wheels of his evil plot in motion to end th reign of peace. After murdering the faithful and loyal servant of the Queen of Kanavan, KazeAaze served the Queen under the disguise of a servant. Under KazeAaze's evil influence, the Queen was unwittingly led to spearhead the bleak disaster that would soon engulf the kingdoms in warfare.
For five long years, the kingdoms of Serdin and Kanavan fought on opposing sides. Innocent blood was shed and many heroes were lost in the war. Having grown up with the Queen of Kanavan, the Queen of Serdin suspected something was amiss all these years, for her best friend was never one for violence. Afte a through investigation, the truth soon dawned upon the Queen of Serdin. Her best friend had been manipulated all along by none other than the crafty KazeAaze!
When the Queen of Kanavan learnt of this, she was furious and declared an immediate order to assassinate the villainous Queen of Darkness. Sadly, it was too late. KazeAaze had disappeared from the Continent of Bermesiah and the state of the two kingdomswas devastated beyond salvation. To Save the people of both Serdin and Kanavan from the hands of KazeAaze, the Queen of Serdin assembled an elite troop to hunt down the elusive Queen of Darkness and restore peace to both kingdoms.The Grand Chase Elite Troops was thus born.
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